Enterprise Product Development

The new wave of IT is more focused on competitive strategy, business returns on investments and social selling. There are high expectations of delivery from Enterprise Product Development with respect to strategic benefits, unique solutions, differentiation, business process automation and agility to survive in today's rapidly transforming business situations. Also, the challenge of not lagging enterprises' current needs is of prime importance. This demand can be driven only by business centricity, ease of usage and flexibility. Enterprise IT now needs resources that have Product Development DNA. Product Development DNA may be defined as the ability to build core applications that delivers key business processes, including product design lifecycle and understanding the context of "service plus product" or what we call a productized service requirement. Apart from IP and domain capability, Product Development DNA also means having the expertise to participate in end-to-end product development cycle. Product DNA understands the unique context of service plus product and hence helps making products that suits specific client needs. The depth of experience signifies the expertise and knowledge of the enterprise in this field. Companies or resources that embrace Product Development DNA are better suited to implement today's enterprise technologies. The key is to build products that enhance the value and life of existing IT investments through creative use of newer technologies which meet, and exceed the most rigorous quality and innovation standards, which brings us back to finding the right people to do it. We at Wiz Staffing understand your business and this complicated equation and thus your competitors. Keeping track of the changes in your hiring ecosystem helps us cater to your requirements better. We have a team of specialist talent agents who can provide their valuable research and analytics in finding the intellectuals who will have a research-oriented mindset, have business process sophistication, deep domain experience, and the like. Hence our team strives to adding value to your business and finding you the right people who can take you through this paradigm shift from product plus customization to “productization” Write to us at info@wizstaffing.com to build or rebuild your product development team.